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The I.C.E. Course of Fire "ATF Alutiiq" version uses this standard target.

 Firearm Used: 12-gauge Mossberg pump-action





You start by placing the shotgun’s action in the “open” position and engage the safety.  Next, the range safety officer(s) will provide you with three (3) slugs.  While standing with the shotgun in a supportive “load-ready” position, tactically arrange the rounds in your non-shooting hand.  
Once directed to do so, “combat load” the shotgun, release the safety, and continue with Stage 1 of the course-of-fire.


Stage 1: Tactical Acquisition Drill (3 Rounds)

Target Position: 7 Yards / 21 Feet/3 rounds in 15 seconds


At this point, your firearm will be empty.  Place the shotgun’s action in the “open” position and engage the safety.  The range safety officer(s) at this time will provide you with an additional four (4) slugs.  After standing in a supportive “load-ready” position, complete the setup process by appropriately loading the four (4) rounds into the shotgun.  Once directed to do so, release the safety, and continue with Stage 2 of the course-of-fire.


Stage 2: Mid-Range Acquisition Drill (4 Rounds)

Target Position: 15 Yards / 45 Feet/4 rounds in 15 seconds


At this point, your firearm will be empty.  Place the shotgun’s action in the “open” position and engage the safety.  The range safety officer(s) at this time will provide you with an additional three (3) slugs.  While standing with the shotgun in a supportive “load-ready” position, tactically arrange the rounds in your non-shooting hand.  Once directed to do so, “combat load” the shotgun, immediately go to a kneeling position, release the safety, and continue with Stage 3 of the course-of- fire.


Stage 3: Long-Distance Kneeling Drill (3 Rounds)

Target Position: 25 Yards / 75 Feet/3 rounds in 25 seconds


At this point, your firearm will be empty.  Place the shotgun’s action in the “open” position, engage the safety, and safely stand up without assistance.


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